
Call for Submissions

Deadline: Tuesday, 7 January 2025 at 17:00 ET (GMT-5/UTC-5)

Submission Process Overview

Submitting a proposal for the Annual Meeting helps you to become proactive in your professional community. You can share your research, ideas, or interests by submitting papers, Posters, caucus proposals, and Teaching and Learning Conference proposals. Additionally, you may submit a proposal for a symposium or a Professional Development Workshop (PDW) to generate discussion on a subject matter of interest to you among other management scholars and professionals.

To submit your proposal:

  1. Go to the Submission Center and use the “Sign In” button. Use the “Sign In” button even if you do not yet have an account or if you forgot your username and/or password.
  2. Use the following guidelines when entering the title and abstract of your submission.
    • Use Title Case for the submission title. Only the first letter of each major title word should be in uppercase (capital letter). Do NOT submit the title or abstract in all uppercase (capital letters). Prepositions and conjunctions should not be in uppercase (capitalized) in the title. Example: “Conceptual and Methodological Issues Associated with Cross-Cultural Research.”
    • The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
    • Enter or copy and paste the submission title and abstract into their respective fields as is. Do not use the “enter” or “return” keys. 
  3. Your 5-digit AOM submission ID number is generated and displayed after you save your entries on the “Title” entry screen. Please reference this number whenever you contact the program volunteers or technical support.
  4. You may submit to up to three divisions or interest groups (DIGs) for symposium submissions. You will need to select three keywords for EACH DIG that you submit to.
  5. Upload your submission to the Submission Center. Your uploaded submission (for papers ONLY) must not include any author identifying information. Your submission must comply with the guidelines and formatting instructions, or your submission may not be checked in for review. Please make sure you have read all the scholarly and professional development workshop (PDW) guidelines and formatting instructions before uploading.
  6. Finalize your submission by acknowledging several statements on a checklist. If your submission is not finalized, it will NOT be reviewed. Please proofread your entry carefully since this is what will appear in the final program. If any information is entered incorrectly, it will be incorrectly listed in the program.

Help is available at the AOM Support Center. The support team will attempt to respond within 1 business day. Please recognize that the support team and submission system will be busy processing a high volume of requests just before the submission deadline. Please do not wait until the last minute to submit! If the support team response does not resolve your problem or is not clear, you can call +1-914-326-1800, Monday-Friday from 09:00 - 17:00 (9am – 5pm) ET (NY time).

Please note: the support team will not be available 23 December 2024 – 1 January 2025.

Paper Submissions | Sample Paper Submission

The submission finalization checklist includes the following items:

  • The uploaded paper complies with the submission guidelines, style formatting, policies, and rules.
  • The title (in title case), abstract, and keywords are complete and accurate.
  • The paper is being submitted to the correct Division or Interest Group.
  • All of the participating authors and co-authors are correctly associated with the paper, and their contact information has been verified. NOTE: If you are a submitting author, please remember to add yourself as an author on the submission. It is not automatically included.
  • You will not be permitted to add any authors to the paper after it has been sent for review. This policy helps to protect the integrity of the double-blind review process.
  • The entire uploaded paper is contained in one single document (including all text, title page, figures, tables, graphs, appendices, and references) and does not exceed 40 pages in total length.
  • There is no author-identifying information contained within the uploaded submission document.
  • The final converted PDF was reviewed on the submission site and is the correct version of the paper.
  • At the time of submission, submitted papers must not have been previously presented at the AOM Annual Meeting. Submitted papers must not have been published or accepted for publication. If a paper is under review, it must NOT appear in print or online before the AOM Annual Meeting.  Papers presented at AOM journal workshops do NOT count as prepublication and ARE allowed to be submitted to the AOM Annual Meeting.
  • This submitted paper is original and has fully acknowledged the work of others.
  • I understand that my accepted paper will be accessible only to the people who register for this year's AOM conference.
  • If accepted, I understand that my paper will be posted in the online program from May through October. An automatically generated cover page will appear on this posted version. It will include the title, author identifying information, and a statement that the paper has been accepted for presentation. I understand that I will be able to upload revisions to an accepted paper during this viewing period. I understand that I can remove the paper from the online program at any time, without penalty. I also understand that the abstract of my paper will appear in the online Conference Proceedings.

I understand that if this submission is accepted:

  • All listed authors who wish to take part in the session at the meeting must register for the meeting. If none of the listed authors register for the meeting then the paper may be withdrawn.
  • Papers may be scheduled on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday of the conference. All authors attending must be prepared to be available on any of those days.      
  • Scheduled session times cannot be rescheduled; session conflicts and personal schedules must be managed by session participants.
  • If my proposal is accepted on the program at least one of the authors / presenters will be required to upload supplemental material such as a pre-recorded video or PowerPoint / PDF presentation to the Annual Meeting platform. Additional information will be provided with acceptance notifications.
  • The submission is now complete (follows all AOM Division/Interest Group-specific instructions and requirements) and is ready for double-blind review.
  • I understand that this submission will not be reviewed if --
    • It fails to be 100% compliant with all submission guidelines including the style formatting requirements.
    • I fail to finalize the proposal by the submission deadline of Tuesday, 7 January 2025 (17:00 ET UTC-5/GMT-5).

Symposium Submissions | Sample Panel Symposium | Sample Presentation Symposium

The submission finalization checklist includes the following items:

  • The uploaded symposium complies with all of the submission guidelines, style formatting, policies, and rules.
  • The proposal is being submitted to the correct Division or Interest Group.
  • All participants, including organizers, authors, and other presenters are correctly associated with the symposium submission.
  • The symposium submission includes the following is organized in the following order.
  • A title page that includes --
    • An Academy-assigned submission number
    • An explicit designation if it is a presenter or a panel symposium.
    • Title of the symposium (in Title Case)
    • Complete formal names and affiliations of all participants
    • List of potential division and/or interest group sponsors
  • A 3-6 page overview of the symposium that includes --
    • An explanation of why the symposium should be of interest to EACH of the specified sponsors.
    • Proposed format of the symposium is designed to fit a 90-minute session.
    • For presenter symposia: An additional 2-5 page synopsis of EACH presentation, not including references. Each presentation may include a maximum of two additional pages of tables and figures. Tables and figures must be clear and legible and should be no smaller than 10-point font. For PANEL symposia: An additional up to 5-page summary of the panelists' discussion. There may be no formal paper presentations within a panel symposium.
  • The proposal uses Times New Roman 12-point font, is double spaced, has a 1-inch (2.5cm) margin all around, and has an 8.5"x11" page setting.  References may be single-spaced.
  • All the pages in the submission are numbered.
  • The final converted PDF was reviewed on the submission site and is the correct version.
  • As the submitter, I certify that all participants have stated that they agree to participate in this symposium.

I understand that if this submission is accepted:

  • All listed participants who wish to take part in the session at the meeting must register for the meeting. If none of the listed participants register for the meeting then the session may be withdrawn.
  • Symposium sessions may be scheduled to take place on Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday. All participants must be prepared to be available on any of those days.
  • Scheduled session times cannot be rescheduled; session conflicts and personal schedules must be managed by the session participants.
  • The abstract of my symposium proposal will appear in the online Conference Proceedings.
  • If my proposal is accepted on the program at least one of the authors / presenters will be required to upload supplemental material such as a pre-recorded video or PowerPoint / PDF presentation to the Annual Meeting platform. Additional information will be provided with acceptance notifications. The abstract of my symposium proposal will appear in the online Conference Proceedings.
  • The symposium is now complete (follows all AOM Division/Interest Group-specific instructions and requirements) and is ready for review.
  • I understand that this submission will not be reviewed if --
    • It fails to be 100% compliant with all submission guidelines including the style formatting requirements.
    • I fail to finalize the proposal by the submission deadline of Tuesday, 7 January 2025 at 17:00 ET (UTC-5/GMT-5).

Poster Submissions

The submission finalization checklist includes the following items:

  • The uploaded poster submission extended abstract complies with the submission guidelines, style formatting, policies, and rules.
  • The title (in title case), abstract, and keywords are complete and accurate.
  • The poster is being submitted to the correct Division or Interest Group.
  • All of the participating authors and co-authors are correctly associated with this poster submission and their contact information has been verified. NOTE: If you are a submitting author, please remember to add yourself as an author on the submission. It is not automatically included.
  • The entire uploaded poster submission extended abstract is contained in one single document (including all text, title page, figures, tables, graphs, appendices, and references) and does not exceed 1750 words in total length.
  • The final converted PDF was reviewed on the submission site and is the correct version of the poster submission extended abstract.
  • Submitted poster submissions must not have been previously presented at the AOM Annual Meeting. Submitted poster submissions must not have been published or accepted for publication. If a poster submission is under review, it must NOT appear in print or online before the AOM Annual Meeting. Poster submissions presented at AOM journal workshops do NOT count as prepublication and ARE allowed to be submitted to the AOM Annual Meeting.
  • This submitted poster submission extended abstract is original and has fully acknowledged the work of others.
  • I understand that my accepted poster presentation will be accessible only to the people who register for this year's AOM conference.
  • If accepted, I understand I will be required to upload a poster presentation that will also be displayed visually and presented by at least one of the authors at a poster session at the conference. Additional information will be provided with acceptance notifications. I also understand that my poster presentation will be posted in the online program from May through October. I understand that I will be able to upload revisions to an accepted poster presentation during this viewing period. I also understand that the on-screen abstract of my poster submission will appear in the online Conference Proceedings.
  • All listed authors who wish to take part in the session at the meeting must register for the meeting. If none of the listed authors register for the meeting then the poster submission may be withdrawn.
  • Poster sessions may be scheduled on Friday through Tuesday of the conference. All authors attending must be prepared to be available on any of those days.      
  • Scheduled session times cannot be rescheduled; session conflicts and personal schedules must be managed by session participants.
  • The submission is now complete (follows all AOM Division/Interest Group-specific instructions and requirements) and is ready for review.
  • I understand that this submission will not be reviewed if --
    • It fails to be 100% compliant with all submission guidelines including the style formatting requirements.
    • I fail to finalize the proposal by the submission deadline of Tuesday, 7 January 2025 (17:00 ET UTC-5/GMT-5).

PDW Proposals

The submission finalization checklist includes the following items:

  • The uploaded document complies with all the submission guidelines, style formatting, policies and rules.
  • The proposal is being submitted to the correct Division(s), Interest Group(s), or Affiliate(s)
  • All of the participants are correctly associated with this PDW submission, including the submitter, if applicable.
  • This entire proposal is at least 4 pages and is contained in one single document, in the following order:
    • Page 1: Title page which contains the Academy-assigned 5-digit submission number, the title of the workshop (in Title Case), the name of the primary sponsor, and a list of other sponsors who might be interested in the workshop, up to 250-word abstract of the workshop.
    • Page 2: One-page explanation as to why the workshop should be of interest to a specified sponsor.
    • Page 3: One-page description of the workshop's format.
    • Page(s) 4-6: One-to-three-page overview of the workshop
    • The final converted PDF was reviewed on the submission site and is the correct version of the submission.
    • As the submitter, I certify that at least one participant has stated that s/he agrees to participate in this workshop if it is accepted.

I understand that if this submission is accepted, all listed participants who wish to take part in the session at the meeting must register for the meeting. If none of the listed participants register for the meeting then the session may be cancelled.

  • PDW sessions will be scheduled on Friday, Saturday or Sunday of the conference.
  • Scheduled session times cannot be rescheduled; session conflicts and personal schedules must be managed by the session participants.
  • If my proposal is accepted on the program at least one of the authors / presenters will be required to upload supplemental material such as a pre-recorded video or PowerPoint / PDF presentation to the Annual Meeting platform. Additional information will be provided with acceptance notifications.
  • I understand that scheduling requests are requests only. If my proposal is accepted, the PDW Chair will let me know whether my requests are approved.
  • I understand that the submission will NOT be reviewed if it fails to be 100% compliant with all submission guidelines including the style formatting requirements or if I fail to finalize the proposal by the deadline of Tuesday, 7 January 2025 at 17:00 ET (UTC-5/GMT-5).

This PDW proposal is now complete (follows all AOM and Division/Interest Group-specific instructions and requirements) and is now ready for review.

Caucus Submissions

The submission finalization checklist includes the following items:

  • The uploaded Caucus document complies with all the submission guidelines.
  • Up to 2 (TWO) organizers have been added and their information (name & affiliation) is verified.
  • The entire proposal is contained in one single document and contains --
    • A Title (in Title Case)
    • The name, email address, and phone number of up to 2 (TWO) Caucus organizer(s).
    • An abstract of 50 words
    • A short description (up to 500 words) of the topical content and delivery plan, including two bold-font keywords and any necessary graphs, tables, references, etc.
    • The names, affiliations, and contact information of 5 (FIVE) AOM members, in addition to the organizer(s), who support the submission.

Note: These five names will NOT be listed in the program and will NOT be counted in the Rule of Three + Three. We ask that you include them as a way to verify that the topic is one that is likely to appeal to at least several AOM members.

  • The final converted PDF was reviewed on the submission site and is the correct version of the submission.
  • I understand that all listed participants who wish to take part in the session at the meeting must register for the meeting. If none of the listed participants register for the meeting then the session may be cancelled.
  • Caucus sessions will be scheduled on the Sunday of the conference.
  • Scheduled session times cannot be rescheduled; session conflicts and personal schedules must be managed by the session participants.
  • If my proposal is accepted on the program at least one of the authors / presenters will be required to upload supplemental material such as a pre-recorded video or PowerPoint / PDF presentation to the Annual Meeting platform. Additional information will be provided with acceptance notifications.
    • I understand that the submission will NOT be reviewed if it fails to be 100% compliant with all submission guidelines including the style formatting requirements or if I fail to finalize the proposal by the submission deadline of Tuesday, 7 January 2025 at 17:00 ET (UTC-5/GMT-5)
  • This Caucus proposal is now complete and is ready for review.

Teaching and Learning Conference (TLC@AOM) Submissions

The submission finalization checklist includes the following items:

  • The uploaded document complies with all the submission guidelines, style formattingpolicies and ethics.
  • All of the participants are correctly associated with this proposal.
  • This entire proposal is contained in one single document, which does NOT exceed five pages in length.
  • The proposal is submitted in the following format.

Cover Page includes:

  • The title of the presentation (in Title Case)
  • The Academy-assigned 5-digit submission number
  • Abstract (limit 250 words)
  • identification of one or more categories that apply to the proposal (see the list of “Submission Topics” in the TLC Call for Submissions)
  • Statement to indicate that ALL presenters on the proposal agree to register and attend this year's TLC@AOM Conference should the submission be accepted for a synchronous session.

 Main body includes the following headings:

  • Topic/Introduction: Describe the topic of your presentation and its purpose. Identify targeted discipline(s) and potential course/program applications.
  • Interest: Explain why your topic would be of interest to conference participants.
  • Session Description: Explain what you are planning to do during the session. Include a description of the methods to be employed and the resources required. Provide a detailed breakdown of how the time will be utilized.  All sessions should be structured as 45 minutes in duration.
  • Takeaways: Be explicit about what the audience will be able to take away from your presentation (including any teaching resources or handouts to be distributed). Describe how attendees might apply the session information to improve their teaching.
  • There is NO author-identifying information contained within the uploaded submission document.
  • The final converted PDF was reviewed on this submission site and is the correct version of the submission.
  • As the submitter, I certify that all participants have agreed to participate in this entire session.
  • I understand that if this submission is accepted:
  • All listed participants who wish to take part in the session at the meeting must complete a separate TLC registration, including an additional fee. (This is in addition to registering for the Annual Meeting.) If none of the listed participants register, then the session may be cancelled.
  • TLC sessions will be scheduled on the Sunday of the conference.
  • Scheduled session times cannot be rescheduled; session conflicts and personal schedules must be managed by the session participants.
  • If my proposal is accepted on the program at least one of the authors / presenters will be required to upload supplemental material such as a pre-recorded video or PowerPoint / PDF presentation to the Annual Meeting platform. Additional information will be provided with acceptance notifications.
  • I understand that the submission will NOT be reviewed if it fails to be 100% compliant with all submission guidelines including the style formatting requirements or if I fail to finalize the proposal by the submission deadline of Tuesday, 7 January 2025 at 5:00 PM ET (New York time).
  • This TLC proposal is now complete (follows ALL Academy AND TLC specific instructions and requirements) and is ready for review.

Annual Meeting logo85th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
(AOM 2025)

25-29 July 2025
Copenhagen, Denmark

Key Dates

  • Submission Center Opens:
    Early December 2024
  • Reviewer Signup Opens:
    Early December 2024
  • Submission Deadline:
    7 January 2025
    17:00 ET (GMT-5/UTC-5)
  • Review Period:
    16 January-13 February 2025
  • Housing Opens:
    Late January 2025
  • Registration Opens:
    Late February 2025
  • Decision Notifications:
    Late March 2025
  • Program Available:
    May 2025
  • 85th Annual Meeting:
    25-29 July 2025
    Copenhagen, Denmark

Annual Meeting logo85th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
(AOM 2025)

25-29 July 2025
Copenhagen, Denmark

Key Dates

  • Submission Center Opens:
    Early December 2024
  • Reviewer Signup Opens:
    Early December 2024
  • Submission Deadline:
    7 January 2025
    17:00 ET (GMT-5/UTC-5)
  • Review Period:
    16 January-13 February 2025
  • Housing Opens:
    Late January 2025
  • Registration Opens:
    Late February 2025
  • Decision Notifications:
    Late March 2025
  • Program Available:
    May 2025
  • 85th Annual Meeting:
    25-29 July 2025
    Copenhagen, Denmark

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555 Pleasantville Road, Suite N200, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, USA