
AMD Virtual Paper Development Workshop

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Virtual paper development workshop. Registration and submission of an abstract paper are required to attend the workshop.

Led By

  • C. Chet Miller and Prithviraj ChattopadhyayAcademy of Management Discoveries Coeditors
  • Associate Editors, Editorial Review Board members, and Authors from the journal will be in attendance.

Purpose and Agenda

This workshop is geared toward all scholars (PhD students, junior and senior scholars) who are interested in publishing in Academy of Management Discoveries (AMD). However, we are particularly interested in submissions from authors who have received Desk Edit (DE) and Reject & Resubmit (R+R) decisions from AMD; these submissions will be given higher priority. In this workshop, we will work with (i) authors who have received DE and R+R decisions to further develop their papers for resubmission; (ii) authors of potential new submissions to determine whether AMD provides the best fit for their ideas and help to develop suitable ideas so that they are potentially suitable for submission to the journal. 


09:45-10:30:  Publishing in AMD talk and Q&A
10:30-10:45:  Break
10:45-12:00:  Breakout groups to discuss papers – 1
12:00-12:45:  Break
12:45-14:00:  Breakout groups to discuss papers – 2
14:00-14:15:  Break
14:15-14:45:  Wrap-up and closing

The talks will be geared toward providing general information about publishing in AMD, such as what makes a successful paper, the main reasons that papers are rejected, and strategies for addressing the core challenges that editors and reviewers see in rejected papers.

Each breakout group will be facilitated by individuals who have editorial and/or publishing experience with the journal. Each participant will be given 2 minutes in which they present a brief overview of (i) their previous submission and how they might tackle the feedback received in the DE/R&R letter or (ii) their idea, and why they believe the new paper would fit the AMD mission. The facilitator will then lead a discussion on papers and ideas, and how they can be developed further to enhance the potential for success. The process of giving and receiving feedback to and from others in their breakout groups will also help participants get a better understanding of crafting ideas into manuscripts for AMD. The template reviewers are encouraged to use for AMD submissions may be found here: AMD reviewer template.

Workshop Instructions

If you are interested in having your paper included the workshop, you should prepare a 2-3 page (double-spaced) abstract of (i) your previous submission and existing plans for further developing the paper, or (ii) your new conceptual/theoretical idea that you can share with the facilitators. We also encourage you to prepare a 2-minute presentation of your idea to share at the breakout session that concisely provides the necessary information. We will match 4-5 participants with an editor from the journal. These groups will then discuss the participants’ ideas and provide each participant with insights about how to clarify the paper idea or move the paper forward toward resubmission. The number of participants will be limited to 45.

Registration Information

All participants seeking to submit an abstract must have their abstracts submitted by 8 October 2024. We will communicate workshop assignments with participants and share the meeting link by 15 October 2024