
Paper Development Workshops are designed to provide authors with guidance and expertise in the development of their manuscript for potential submission to an Academy journal.

The workshops include general presentations about the individual journal by members of that journal's editorial team, as well as roundtable discussions that focus on providing authors with practical and developmental feedback aimed at strengthening and improving their papers. The workshops are open to all Academy members, as well as non-members.

AMR Idea Development Workshop on Developing Theories Informed by Latin American and Caribbean Experiences

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How does the distinct, rich lifeworld of Latin American and Caribbean people inform our understanding of management and organization and enable us to generate new theories? The goal of this IDW is to provide disciplined guidance and constructive feedback to researchers worldwide from seasoned scholars.


This Idea Development Workshop (IDW) is designed for authors who study organizational phenomena informed by the experiences of the Latin America-Caribbean region and who seek to refine their scholarship for submission to the Academy of Management Review (AMR).

The IDW is a forum for discussing how the distinct, rich lifeworld of Latin American and Caribbean people can inform our understanding of management and organization and enable us to generate new theories. This IDW is not a forum for discussing Latin America and the Caribbean as yet another context for testing and elaborating on the existing theories.

Theories of management and organization indigenous to Latin America and the Caribbean can include several phenomena grounded in the distinct histories and heritage, political realities, socio-economic characteristics, and variety of religion, language, and music that exist across this vibrant, diverse region. This is a challenging endeavor as it requires knowledge of both established tools of theory development and a deep understanding of phenomena specific to the region.

The goal of this IDW is to provide disciplined guidance and constructive feedback to researchers worldwide from seasoned scholars currently serving on the editorial team of AMR. Participation in the IDW does not guarantee acceptance of the paper in AMR or special preference in the review process. Furthermore, attendance in the IDW is not a prerequisite for submission to AMR or for publication.

Important Dates

Proposal due: 29 October 2021

Proposal decision: 2 November 2021

IDW Day 1: 5 November 2021

IDW Day 2: 15 November 2021

Proposal Overview

Please prepare and submit a 2-page proposal outlining your core ideas and arguments (max 500 words excluding references) by 29 October 2021. The proposals should be submitted as Word or PDF files at this link. ( Authors will be notified of whether their proposal is accepted for the IDW by 2 November 2021.

In preparation for this proposal submission, please review the submission guidelines for submitting a manuscript to AMR. Please also read the following articles for some background on the region and theory development tools:

Aguilera, R., Ciravegna, L., Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Gonzalez-Perez, M. A. 2017. Multilatinas and the internationalization of Latin American firms. Journal of World Business, 52 (4): 447-460.

Aguinis, H., Villamor, I., Lazzarini, S. G., Vassolo, R. S., Amorós, J. E., & Allen, D. G. 2020. Conducting management research in Latin America: Why and what’s in it for you? Journal of Management.

Barney, J. 2018. Editor’s comments: Positioning a theory paper for publication. Academy of Management Review, 43(3): 345-348.

Lange, D., & Pfarrer, M. D. 2017. Editor’s comments: Sense and structure – the core building blocks of an AMR article. Academy of Management Review, 42(3): 407-416

IDW Overview

The IDW will take place over two days: 5 and 15 November 2021 via Zoom. On 5 November, participants will receive important information about the nuts and bolts of publishing a conceptual paper. During this initial session, participants will also be provided with specific writing exercises designed to improve their submitted proposals.

After completing these exercises and receiving initial feedback on their proposal, participants are given eight days to incorporate the materials from the 5 November session into a proposal. Revised proposals should be resubmitted to assigned roundtables by 2:00 pm EST on 13 November for discussion on Day 2 (15 November). Participants will be grouped into small roundtables. All participants are expected to have thoroughly read the revised proposals associated with their virtual roundtable and be ready to share feedback.

On 15 November, participants will receive feedback on their revised proposals in virtual roundtables. At least one Associate Editor or Editorial Review Board member will facilitate each roundtable. Facilitators will provide developmental feedback to the researcher before opening the discussion for other roundtable participants to share their suggestions for improvement.

Please note: When deciding whether to apply to this IDW, please consider the time commitment required. Specifically, each invited participant is expected to commit to completing the assigned writing exercises and integrating feedback to revise their own work (Day 1), as well as to reading and preparing feedback for their fellow participants (Day 2). It is important that you are able to participate in each part of the IDW fully.

General Schedule

Day 1: 5 November 2021 (11:00 am - 1:00pm EST)

  • Welcome [15 minutes]
  • Making a Theoretical Contribution [20 minutes]
  • Elements of a Conceptual Paper [85 minutes]

Day 2: 15 November 2021 (10:00 am - 12:00 pm EST; OR 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm)

  • Welcome back [5 minutes]
  • Roundtable discussions [115 minutes]

Some portions of these workshops may be photographed or videotaped for potential promotion that AOM may create on behalf of the publications. If you have concerns about potentially appearing as a participant in the photographs and/or videos and would like to opt out, please email Susan Zaid within one week of the workshop date to let us know your concern. If you choose to opt out, please also send us your picture so we know who to block from the photos and/or video. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you are comfortable with potential inclusion in this regard.
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