The COVID-19 pandemic has been a global disaster, requiring rapid responses and new ways of working in every field. We invite submissions to all of AMLE’s peer reviewed sections on this crisis.
Academy of Management Learning & Education Special Issue
The Impact of COVID-19 on Management Learning and Education: Perils and Possibilities
Call for Papers
Editors: Arran Caza, Diego Coraiola, Megan Gerhardt, Danna Greenberg, Paul
Hibbert, Oliver Laasch, Dirk Lindebaum, Clare Rigg, Olga Ryazanova, April Wright
Deadline for Submissions: 30 April 2022
Scheduled for Publication: September 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a global crisis which has led to the closure of thousands of businesses, the loss of millions of jobs, and hundreds of thousands of deaths. No sector has been immune to the effects of this pandemic, including management
learning and education. As educators, we learned to teach in new modalities with varied technologies, work with new classroom protocols, adjust our expectations about who and where our students would be, adapt to technological solutions and rethink
our careers and identities as management educators and scholars(Beech & Anseel, 2020; Brammer & Clark, 2020). Similarly, our students have experienced a different environment of learning and had to adjust their routines and methods to
the new reality of content delivery. For some this learning environment has been charged with emotional distress and increased anxiety, but for others it has yielded a more empowering learning experience. Likewise, institutions have had to adapt
teaching practices in light of lockdowns and social distancing across the globe, just as most faced financial strain in response to declining student enrollment. For many, perhaps most, students, educators and business schools, the experience
has been difficult. However for some, unexpectedly, the shift to virtual learning has brought both practical benefits (e.g. greater access, reduced living costs, greater working flexibility) and pedagogical improvements.
In this special issue, our interest lies in theorizing how management learning and education at the individual, organizational, and institutional levels, adapts to, and learns from, the perils and possibilities that the COVID-19 pandemic affords. After
all, learning often occurs when routine habits are disrupted (Dewey, 1992), and little doubt exists that the COVID-19 pandemic marks a major disruption.
Dealing with the crisis necessitated broad, deep and transformative learning. We found ways to manage stress’ effects on individual students and faculty, building on insights from the caring professions (Greenberg & Hibbert, 2020; Rosa, 2020)
and exposing issues of diversity and inclusion in the politics of care along the way (Gabster & van Daalen, 2020; Nash & Churchill, 2020; Monahan et al., 2020). We have learned how to embrace technological shifts in the processes of teaching
and learning (Lund Dean & Forray, 2020), despite finding transformation during a crisis to be doubly challenging (Wade & Shan, 2020). We have also begun to consider how artificial intelligence may help or hinder rapid developments in knowledge
(Balasubramanian, Ye & Xu, 2020) in unstable times.
The crisis has also stimulated transformations in the shape of the education sector (Mohapatra, 2020), and shifted operational models for business schools, along with organizations in most sectors (Ritter & Pedersen, 2020) and entrepreneurs seeking
to establish new ventures (Manalova et al, 2020; Ratten, 2020). These shifts have entailed challenges for leaders (Amis & Janz, 2020; Biddle, 2020) and our approaches to how they are developed (Al Saidi et al., 2020; Fernandez & Shaw, 2020).
In response, we have sought to develop our pedagogies and theories to help leaders and managers cope with the unprecedented learning challenges facing organizations (Yang, 2020).
Contributions to this special issue should provide new theoretical understandings, reached through examination of the dynamics of the management learning and education processes, or new ways of organizing business schools, that were mobilized to support
change during the COVID-19 crisis. Due to the broad nature of the topic, relevant insights from other disciplines (e.g., social psychology, urban planning, ethics of AI and many others) that can be connected with the theme and the core interests of
the journal may be appropriate, in addition to more conventional approaches. Possible areas of research focus are suggested below, but these should be seen as examples rather than a prescriptive list.
Possible areas of research focus
- What new developments in educational theory have been stimulated and tested by the crisis?
- How have the theories that we teach been challenged and changed? For example, what new developments in leadership development and organizational behavior have emerged?
- What developments in organizational theory are suggested by the changes in the business school sector? How and why have business school business models changed (Iñiguez de Onzoño & Carmona, 2009; Randles & Laasch, 2016)? In what
ways have they remained the same? Are there instances where they should have changed, but did not?
- What new developments in institutional theory are revealed through studies of the dynamics of change in management learning and education, and the operation of the business school sector?
- How have management education careers been changed? How have forms of career capital (Ryazanova & MacNamara, 2019) evolved and shifted through the suppression of academic mobility? What educator personal philosophies (Greenberg et al, 2007) emerged
in the crisis and look likely to endure, and why?
- How has diversity and inclusion in business schools been affected in new and different ways by the pandemic?
- How did business schools vary in their responses to the crisis? Why were some approaches more effective than others? What can we learn from their experience and how can that inform crisis management education (Waller, Lei, & Pratten, 2014) and the
management of crises in business schools?
- What have we learned about the dynamic role of emotions, trauma and post-traumatic growth in management learning and education (Greenberg & Hibbert, 2020; Lindebaum, 2017) -- for students and faculty in business schools, and for managers learning
in organizations?
- How has the experience of remote teaching and learning changed the understanding of the core value delivered by business schools to their students? How can we leverage this change in designing management education curriculum for the post-COVID era?
- Given remote teaching and learning, how does the fact that ‘things (i.e., the classroom) are being brought to people’ rather than ‘people being brought to things (Lindebaum et al., 2020) affect the learning experience in the absence
of face-to-face in class interactions amongst teacher and students, and amongst students themselves?
- What is the role of materiality and physical spaces in delivering management education? How is technology-intensive learning transforming the experience for students and instructors? How is change in student habits reshaping the teaching infrastructure
and facilities on our campuses?
- How does technological uptake (AI, Big Data) in response to the need for crisis management foster ‘reckoning’ rather than ‘judgment’ in decision-making and learning processes? (Rosseau, 2020; Moser et al. 2021).
The implementation of online or blended learning as a sole focus of submissions is not likely to provide a theoretical contribution, since this practical concern has already received overwhelming attention from the sector.
Submission types
For this Special Issue, we invite submissions to all of AMLE’s peer reviewed sections including research (including empirical and conceptual manuscripts), reviews and essays. We particularly welcome research studies based on extensive data –
qualitative or quantitative, using any well-executed and rigorous methodology – from across the most intense period of the crisis and into the time of recovery. Submissions will be subject to normal editorial decision-making and peer review
If you would like advice about a possible submission before you commit, please feel free to contact any of the editorial team. To do so, we recommend you refer to the AMLE website to identify the best editor to address your specific query. General guidance
for all submitting authors is available at:
Submit your special issue manuscripts, no sooner than 1 March 2022 and no later than 30 April 2022, through AMLE’s manuscript central system.
Al Saidi, A., Nur, F., Al-Mandhari, A., El Rabbat, M., Hafeez, A & Abubakar, A. 2020. Decisive leadership is a necessity in the COVID-19 response. Lancet. 396(10247), 295-298.
Amis, J. & Janz, B. 2020. Leading Change in Response to COVID-19. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. 56(3): 272-278.
Balasubramanian, N., Ye, Y. & Xu, M. 2020 (online early). Substituting human decision-making with machine learning: Implications for organizational learning. Academy of Management Review,
Beech, N. & Anseel, F. 2020. COVID‐19 and Its Impact on Management Research and Education: Threats, Opportunities and a Manifesto. British Journal of Management. 31(3): 447-449.
Biddle, C. 2020. Epidemics and pandemics as high consequence events: Expanding leadership challenges and responsibilities in business continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning, 14(1): 6-16
Brammer, S. & Clark, T. 2020. COVID‐19 and Management Education: Reflections on Challenges, Opportunities, and Potential Futures. British Journal of Management, 31(3) 453-456.
Dewey, J. (1922). Human Nature and Conduct. New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company.
Fernandez, A. & Shaw, G. 2020. Academic leadership in a time of crisis: The Coronavirus and COVID‐19. Journal of Leadership Studies, 14(1): 39-45.
Gabster, B. & van Daalen, K. 2020. Challenges for the female academic during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lancet. 395(10242), 1968-1970.
Greenberg, D., Clair, J. & MacLean, T. 2007. Enacting the Role of Management Professor: Lessons From Athena, Prometheus, and Asclepius. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 6(4): 439–457
Greenberg, D. & Hibbert, P. 2020. From the Editors—Covid-19: Learning to Hope and Hoping to Learn. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 19(2): 123–130.
Iñiguez de Onzoño, S. and Carmona, S. (2007), The changing business model of B‐schools, Journal of Management Development, Vol. 26 No. 1, pp. 22-32.
Lindebaum, D. (2017). Emancipation through Emotion Regulation at Work. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Lindebaum, D., Vesa, M., & den Hond, F. (2020). Insights From “The Machine Stops” to Better Understand Rational Assumptions in Algorithmic Decision Making and Its Implications for Organizations. Academy of Management Review, 45(1), 247-263.
Lund Dean, K. & Forray, J. 2020. A Silver Linings Playbook, COVID-19 Edition. Journal of Management Education, 44(4); 399-405.
Manolova, T., Brush, C., Edelman, L. & Elam, A. 2020. Pivoting to stay the course: How women entrepreneurs take advantage of opportunities created by the COVID-19 pandemic. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship. 38(6):
Monahan, C., Macdonald, J., Lytle, A. & Apriceno, M. 2020. COVID-19 and Ageism: How Positive and Negative Responses Impact Older Adults and Society. American Psychologist, 75(7): 887-896.
Mohapatra, A. 2020. Impact of Covid-19 on Higher Education. Journal of Management & Public Policy. 11(2) 4-6.
Moser, C., den Hond, F., & Lindebaum, D. (2021). Exemplary Contribution: Morality in the age of artificially intelligent algorithms. Academy of Management Learning & Education.
Nash, M. & Churchill, B. 2020. Caring during COVID‐19: A gendered analysis of Australian university responses to managing remote working and caring responsibilities. Gender, Work & Organization, 27(5): 833-846.
Randles, S., & Laasch, O. (2016). Theorising the normative business model (NBM). Organization & Environment, 29(1), 53-73.
Ratten, V. 2020. Coronavirus (covid-19) and entrepreneurship: changing life and work landscape. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship. 32(5): 503-516.
Ritter, T. & Pedersen, C. 2020. Analyzing the impact of the coronavirus crisis on business models. Industrial Marketing Management. 88: 214-224.
Rosa, W. 2020. A blueprint for leadership during COVID-19: Minimizing burnout and moral distress among the nursing workforce. Nursing Management, 51(8): 28-34.
Rousseau, D. M. (2020). The Realist Rationality of Evidence-Based Management. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 19(3), 415-424. doi:10.5465/amle.2020.0050
Ryazanova, O. & McNamara, P. 2019. Choices and Consequences: Impact of Mobility on Research-Career Capital and Promotion in Business Schools. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 18(2): 186–212.
Wade, M. & Shan, J. 2020. Covid-19 Has Accelerated Digital Transformation, but May Have Made it Harder Not Easier. MIS Quarterly Executive, 19(3): 213-220.
Waller, M. J., Lei, Z., & Pratten, R. (2014). Focusing on teams in crisis management education: An integration and simulation-based approach. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 13(2), 208-221.
Yang, K. 2020. What Can COVID-19 Tell Us About Evidence-Based Management? American Review of Public Administration. 50(6/7) 706-712.