
AMD Paper Development Pre-submission Workshop, UK

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A hybrid paper development pre-submission workshop for an AMD Special Research Forum on Sports Data. Submission Deadline: 22 November 2022


A hybrid paper development pre-submission workshop for the AMD Special Research Forum, "A Whole Different Ball Game—Exploring the Modern Organizational Context Through the Lens of Sports".

2 December 2022, 12:30-16:00 GMT

Bayes Business School, City University of London, 106 Bunhill Row, EC1Y 8TZ London, United Kingdom, and live-streamed online with the possibility of remote participation.

Led By

Paolo Aversa and Dmitry Sharapov, AMD Special Forum Guest Editors, and AMD editorial board members.

About the Workshop

The workshop will take place on the Bayes Business School campus. Located in the City of London, the campus is at the heart of one of the most vibrant and internationally connected metropolises in the world. 

AMD and Bayes Business School are offering a unique opportunity for management scholars to develop their work for possible publication in the special research forum, “Exploring the Modern Organizational Context through the Lens of Sports” of AMD (Special Research Forum submission deadline: 1 January 2023). The workshop will be introduced by AMD Editor Kevin Rockmann, who will be joined by several Guest Editors of the AMD editorial team (Tom Moliterno, Paolo Aversa, Dmitry Sharapov, Celia Moore, and Rory Eckardt).

The workshop can be attended in-person or remotely, but access is restricted to scholars who will be able to submit a short paper or full paper they are intending for the Special Research Forum. In line with the mission of AMD, all submissions should be framed around empirical exploration. We strongly suggest reading the following papers and the Special Research Forum call for papers prior to submitting your abstract:

  • Rockmann, K.W., Bunderson, J.S., Leana, C.R., Hibbert, P., Tihyani, L., Phan, P.H., & Thatcher, S.M.B. (2021). Publishing in the Academy of Management Journals. Academy of Management Discoveries, 7(1): 1-9.
  • Bamberger, P. A. (2018). AMD—Clarifying What We Are About and Where We Are Going. Academy of Management Discoveries, 4(1), 1-10.

Workshop Format

The workshop will feature a plenary and breakout sessions, some in person and some online. Breakout rooms will be pre-assigned.

  • 12:30–13:00 Registration and Networking (in person)
  • 13.00–14.00 Introduction to AMD and its “Sports” Special Research Forum (hybrid)
  • 14:00–14:30 Coffee break
  • 14.30–16:00 Roundtables with Guest Editors (some in person, some online).

Application Process/ Submission Information

The AMD Special Research Forum editorial team will choose the workshops that will be invited for discussion during the breakout sessions. Papers that are already under review at AMD (or elsewhere) cannot be submitted to this workshop.

  • Those who wish to have their paper reviewed and discussed should submit an extended abstract (approximately 5 pages of text). Extended abstracts should be double spaced, excluding tables, figures, and references. Alternatively, it is possible to submit a full paper formatted as per AMD author guidelines.
  • Submission deadline: extended abstracts or full papers to be considered for inclusion in the workshop should be submitted by 22 November 2022 to Paola Aversa at
  • Participants will be accepted on a competitive basis. 
  • The abstract should briefly address each of the following:
    • The compelling phenomenon of interest 
      In this section, the proposal should clearly outline the phenomenon the researcher is interested in exploring. Exemplar quotes/examples/experiences can and should be used to enhance this description. The goal is to clearly situate the reader in the context where the phenomenon is present. The proposal should demonstrate why this particular phenomenon is compelling for a management audience and should fit the aims of the Special Research Forum.
    • How existing theory fails to explain the phenomenon
      In this section, the proposal should include prior research related to the phenomenon of interest. The goal here is to demonstrate why existing theory is absent, misguided, contradictory, or otherwise insufficient to explain the occurrence of the phenomenon. This section should end or otherwise contain one or more research questions.
    • The methodology findings (if available)
      AMD is a journal for empirical exploration. This section of the proposal should explain the proposed explorations and nature of the proposed sports data (if not already in hand). This may include, but is not limited to, the context, the participants, the datasets, and the variables. This section should also include a proposed analytical strategy. 
    • The potential theoretical contribution
      AMD is interested in papers that open new lines of inquiry. That is, an interesting or unexpected finding is not enough; the findings should have the ability to inform the phenomenon in such a way that other researchers want to go and study it. This section of the proposal should include a discussion about how this research might open up new research endeavors.
  • Works that are accepted to the workshop for discussion are not guaranteed acceptance and publication in AMD. All manuscripts submitted to AMD are double-blind peer reviewed. However, it is our hope that the workshop experience provides attendees with substantive feedback to improve their work.

For more information, please contact the organizers.