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Entrepreneur Magazine: The benefits of female leadership in tech

05 Feb 2019
Pew Research suggests people are five times more likely to perceive women as better mentors than men, while the Academy of Management reports women-run companies have higher rates of mentorship.

Originally found at Entrepreneur Magazine by Lisa Hammond

Following a phenomenal year of growth in the US, global affiliate marketing firm Awin announced Awin US and ShareASale will unify leadership and operations in 2019 to expand upon the strategic solutions offered to clients across both platforms in North America, as well as those wishing to broaden their reach internationally.

Companies with female leadership tend to have more job development opportunities and in-house promotions. Pew Research suggests people are five times more likely to perceive women as better mentors than men, while the Academy of Management reports women-run companies have higher rates of mentorship.

Continue reading original article at Entrepreneur Magazine.

Read the original research inAcademy of Management Journal

Learn more about the AOM Scholars and explore their work:

Belle Rose Ragins, Marquette University

John L. Cotton, Marquette University
