
Forbes: The road ahead: Preserving DEI amid political pushback

Forbes: Is there a future for responsible leadership?

CNN: What is DEI, and why is it dividing America?

Inc.: Science says don’t try to overcome imposter syndrome: How embracing a self-perceived inadequacy can make your life better, starting today

Inc.: The mindset (and science) behind Eddie Van Halen’s remarkable success: How less becomes more

CFO: Performance reviews under a microscope

Inc.: Social and workplace science says embracing this word will instantly make you a better friend, co-worker, and boss

Forbes: Why kindness in the workplace is more important than ever

SHRM: AI’s disruption of entry-level work: What HR leaders need to know

Forbes: The Black Friday effect: Harnessing scarcity to drive innovation Beyond backlash: Advancing dominant-group employees’ learning, allyship, and growth through social identity threat

HR Professionals Magazine: The known secret of fun – humor

Better Up: 94 small talk questions to spark conversation with anyone

The Seattle Medium: DEI debate enters 2024 race as republicans challenge Harris’ nomination

Inc.: Oprah Winfrey says 1 uncomfortable habit separates the doers from the dreamers, backed by considerable science

Forbes: CEO mental health: how executive therapy benefits leaders

Inc.: What do Jeff Bezos and the Olympic Games have in common? Why successful people avoid the blank check syndrome

Forbes: Some CEOs run multiple companies. Should they? No laughing matter, unfortunately: Why aggressive humor might pay for CEOs CEOs' human concern translates into higher stock price, says study