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Business Insider: Stephen Miller's alleged management style is nothing like what experts tell you about how to be a good boss

25 Feb 2020
Stephen Miller, a senior advisor to Donald Trump who orchestrated much of the White House's immigration policy, has a management style known for its harshness, according to a new report.

Originally found at Business Insider, by Jessica Snouwaert

A profile of Miller by Jonathan Blitzer in The New Yorker Friday reports on Miller's style of management where he allegedly berates, interrupts, and disregards officials, particularly those of lower-rank, creating an environment in which people hide things from him to avoid his wrath.

These approaches of dealing with people contradict what research and experts say about being a good boss ...

A boss who is unfair might be stressful, but a study by The Academy of Management shows that bosses who act out unfairly in unpredictable ways are worse for employees' well-being.

Continue reading the original article at Business Insider

Read the original research in Academy of Management Journal


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