
AMLE Paper Development Workshop, Bangalore, India

Karnataka 560076 , India
Indian Institute of Management - Bangalore Bengaluru, Karnataka 560076
Dalhia Mani

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In-person, two-day workshop at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. There is no fee, however, registration, submission of short paper, and commitment to attend one or both parts is required for those wishing to attend this workshop.

In-person workshop hosted by Indian Institute of Management - Bangalore

Led By

  • Simy Joy, Associate Editor, Academy of Management Learning & Education

Editorial Organization

  • Simy Joy, Todd Bridgman, Diego M. Coraiola, Associate Editors, Academy of Management Learning & Education

Local Organizer

About AMLE

Academy of Management Learning & Education (AMLE) belongs to the portfolio of journals by the Academy of Management along with AMJ, AMP, AMP, Annals and AMD. AMLE is rated as 4* in the UK AJG list and A* in the Australian Business Deans’ Council list of journals.

AMLE publishes theory-driven studies on management learning, management education, or the business of business schools. For empirical papers, this means that where the research sample is composed of learners, they are higher education students in business school(s) or school(s) of management, or they are managers learning in executive contexts. Where the sample is composed of faculty, then they are situated within a business school(s) or school(s) of management.


Short papers (approximately 3,000 words) that fit the aim and scope of AMLE are considered for this PDW. Prior editorials can serve as guideposts to clarify AMLE’s focus and content areas (Lindebaum, 2024; Hibbert, in Rockmann et al., 2021; Hibbert et al., 2023; Vince and Hibbert, 2018; Caza et al., 2024).

Workshop Structure

This workshop has two parts:

  • Part 1 (Day 1) comprises a general introduction to AMLE. The presentation will focus on writing manuscripts that advance our theoretical understanding about management learning and education (MLE) phenomena for the Research and Reviews and the Essay sections of the journal. This first part of the workshop is open to all interested participants, including those who do not submit a short paper.
  • Part 2 (Day 2) is focused on supporting and advising researchers, with current work-in-progress, how to develop and refine their papers with submission to AMLE in mind. Those wishing to participate in part two must submit short papers as mentioned above.


Send the submission in Word or PDF format to Submissions should comply with AMLE style guidelines. Clearly mark the subject line as: PDW Submission at IIM Bangalore. Your submission must have a cover page that includes: the author name(s) and affiliation(s); three-four keywords; your short paper (~3,000 words); and an email address for the lead author. Please note that you must:

  • Agree to your paper being discussed in a small group with other participants, as arranged by the workshop facilitators, and be willing and able to provide a short (5-minute maximum) overview of your paper to others in the discussion group.
  • Commit to attending the whole workshop if your submission is accepted.

Submission deadline:  15 March 2025


All participants must register to attend either or both parts of the PDW. There is no registration fee. Use this button above to register. Please note:

  • Participants wishing to attend part 2 must submit a short paper.
  • Participants who would like to book a room at the IIMB Management Development Center (MDC) must register by 1 April 2025.


Refreshments will be provided. There will also be a dinner, generously sponsored by IIM Bangalore, for the participants with accepted short papers.

Travel and Accommodation

Participants are responsible to arrange their own travel and accommodation. A limited number of rooms will be available at the IIMB Management Development Center (MDC) for the participants to book on a first come, first served basis.


Caza A, Harley B, Coraiola DM, et al. (2024) What is a Contribution and How Can You Make One at AMLE? Academy of Management Learning & Education.

Hibbert P, Caza A, Coraiola DM, et al. (2023) Why Be an Editor? Academy of Management Learning & Education. DOI: 10.5465/amle.2023.0435.

Lindebaum D (2024) Management learning and education as ‘big picture’ social science. Academy of Management Learning & Education 23(1): 1-7.

Rockmann K, Bunderson JS, Leana CR, et al. (2021) Publishing in the Academy of Management Journals. Academy of Management Learning & Education 20(2): 117-126.

Vince R and Hibbert P (2018) From the AMLE Editorial Team: Disciplined Provocation: Writing Essays for AMLE. Academy of Management Learning & Education 17(4): 397-400.


AMLE is delighted to introduce “Talk to the Editor.” 30-minute online sessions designed as feedback opportunities on full paper drafts for prospective authors before formal submission. Background can be found here. We hope you make use of this opportunity!

When you craft your paper, it may be a good idea you listen Dirk Lindebaum, Editor-in-Chief (AMLE) talk about the ‘Steps authors can control in the publication process (at AMLE)here.