
AMD "Organizational Insights in Health Care" Paper Development Workshop, Philadelphia, PA

Philadelphia , USA
University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School

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AMD Paper Development Workshop held in conjunction with Special Research Forum: Organizational Insights in Health Care at the University of Pennsylvania.

In-person workshop held at the University of Pennsylvania, sponsored by the Wharton Health Care Initiative.

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Led By

  • C. Chet Miller & Prithviraj Chattopadhyay, Coeditors of Academy of Management Discoveries
  • Christopher Myers & Timothy Vogus, representing the Guest Editors of AMD Special Research Forum (SRF) on Organizational Insights in Health Care (also including Marlys Christianson, Brian Hilligoss, and Kathleen Sutcliffe)
  • Other Associate Editors, Editorial Review Board members, and authors from the journal


This workshop is geared toward all scholars (PhD students, junior and senior scholars) who are interested in submitting a paper to the upcoming SRF on Organizational Insights in Health Care. Authors will have the opportunity to submit a proposal and get feedback from the SRF Guest Editors, AMD editors, and other editorial board members and experienced reviewers to help determine whether AMD and the SRF provides the best fit for their ideas and to develop the ideas for a high-quality submission to the journal. We invite proposals from authors interested in submitting to AMD in general, but proposals for articles targeted towards the SRF on Organizational Insights in Health Care are the primary focus of this workshop and will receive priority. 

The workshop will be held in-person at the University of Pennsylvania, sponsored by the Wharton Health Care Initiative. We can also accommodate a limited number of virtual attendees (who will participate in online discussion sessions about their proposals) for authors who are unable to travel and attend in-person.

The workshop will begin with presentations about AMD and the SRF. The talks will be geared toward providing general information about publishing in AMD, such as what makes a successful paper, the main reasons that papers are rejected, and strategies for addressing the core challenges that editors and reviewers see in rejected papers, as well as specific information about the SRF and expectations for submissions.

Participants will then break out into small groups, facilitated by AMD and SRF editors and experienced reviewers. Each participant will give a brief overview of their submitted proposal and then the facilitator will lead a discussion focused on the group’s papers with ideas for how they can be developed further to enhance their potential for success. Participants giving and receiving feedback to and from others in their breakout groups will help to build better understanding about how to craft ideas into manuscripts for AMD. 

Workshop Instructions

If you are interested in having your paper included in the workshop, please prepare a 3–4-page (double-spaced) overview describing your papers’ domain of research, study design, findings (if available), and the empirical discovery you seek to contribute.

These proposals should indicate clearly how the research fits the aims of the SRF (more information on the goals of the SRF is available in the Call for Submissions). As noted above, we may have room for some proposals that are not tied to the SRF on Organizational Insights in Health Care, however these will be included in the workshop on a space-available basis, with priority given to proposals focused on the SRF.

We encourage all participants to attend in-person if they are able; however, we will also accept proposals from authors who would participate virtually. Please indicate in your proposal submission if you would be attending in-person or online for the workshop.

After reviewing the submitted proposals, we will match 4-5 participants with an editor from the journal. These groups will then discuss the participants’ ideas and generate insights about how to clarify the paper idea or move the paper forward toward submission.

Registration information

Proposals must be submitted by 7 April 2025. We will communicate workshop assignments with participants and share attendance details by 15 April 2025.