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The boardroom is still a white man’s club

08 Aug 2018
AOM announced a new study that will be presented at its Annual Meeting by Maria Goranova of University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Maria Triana of University of Wisconsin – Madison, and Kira Kristal Reed of Syracuse University, titled “Double Bind: African-American, Asian, and Hispanic Women on Corporate Boards.”

CHICAGO, Aug. 8, 2018 / PRNewswire — The Academy of Management (AOM), the largest global organization devoted to management and organization research, today announced a new study that will be presented at its Annual Meeting by Maria Goranova of University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Maria Triana of University of Wisconsin – Madison, and Kira Kristal Reed of Syracuse University, titled “Double Bind: African-American, Asian, and Hispanic Women on Corporate Boards.”

The research investigates minority women’s representation trends on S&P 500 boards of directors. Although gender diversity on corporate boards has improved over the last two decades, African-American and Hispanic women’s representation in the boardroom has remained largely stagnant. The study provides an overview of the challenges faced by minority women as they struggle to flourish in corporate America, including discrepancies in economic opportunity and the gender wage gap, despite the educational and professional strides made in recent decades. Examples of public and private organizations that seek to support women and minorities in their education and careers are also discussed.

“Our research highlights the need for an inclusive take on diversity, particularly when both gender and ethnicity could inform issues such a tokenism, biases, challenges, and opportunities in the minority women’s quest to the corporate boardroom,” Goranova, Triana and Reed said in a statement.

The research will be presented during the session “A New Era of Governance?: Corporate Governance and TMTs” on Monday, August 13 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Marriott Chicago Downtown – Magnificent Mile in the Sheffield Room of the fourth floor.
