Nominations are sought for the position of Editor at Academy of Management Annals. The person(s) selected for Annals will become Editor-elect on 1 January 2025. The next Annals Editorial Team receives proposal submissions
in April 2025 and is responsible for volumes 21- 23.
The Academy's mission is to ensure an inclusive selection process and generate a viable list of qualified potential editors from a comprehensive collection of nominations. As a member of the Academy, you can recommend one or more individuals who you deem
capable and inclined to accept this position of responsibility. We will contact these individuals and encourage them to consider accepting the nomination to be considered for this editorship.
In general, qualifications for an Editor of Annals includes:
Significant scholarly contributions in management, including publications associated with the mission of the journal.
Extensive experience and an excellent reputation as a reviewer.
Experience as an editorial board member or an editor of a management-related journal. Nominees do not need to be current members of editorial teams of Academy of Management publications to be nominated.
Demonstrated commitment to diversity as reflected in the statement of values below.
Ability to work constructively with authors, reviewers, and the Academy's Board of Governors.
Demonstrated administrative skills, capacity to handle a demanding workload and meet deadlines.
Ability to work with the managing editor virtually. The managing editor is an employee of the Academy's headquarters office.
Familiarity with, and ability to use, a web-based submission and review system.
Rank of tenured Full or Associate Professor or equivalent.
A doctoral degree in a management-related discipline.
Member of the Academy of Management.
In support of the Academy’s values, the CPC (Content Portfolio Committee), a committee of the Academy of Management Board of Governors, values diversity, inclusion, and equity in our international community. We seek nominees who appreciate diversity
in theoretical orientations and empirical contexts, including those that are under-represented, outside the mainstream, and concern populations that are marginalized or hidden. We seek nominees that adhere to the belief that the full range of social
experience must be represented in our scholarship and often these contributions are made by authors and reviewers from diverse backgrounds and locations.
Nomination process and procedures
Nominations must include nominee name(s), full address, telephone number, email address, and current CV. Editor job description and nomination search procedures will be furnished on request.
All nominees will be asked to confirm their interest in pursuing the editorship and will be asked to provide a personal statement (500 words or less) that outlines why the nominee is interested in this position. Nominees may apply individually or
as a team of co-editors.
The selection process will move through three stages:
Stage 1: The CPC will review the initial nominations and request additional materials from the nominees that best fit the criteria above.
Stage 2: Applicants that move to the second stage will be asked to submit a detailed proposal of how they would address challenges raised in the most recent internal review of Annals, and more generally further the goals of the journal
as described in the editorial mission and values statements.
Applicants will be asked to provide references to support their editorial background and skills.
Applicants may be asked to meet (virtually) with the CPC.
Stage 3: The CPC will forward a recommendation to the full Board of Governors who will finalize the recommendation.
Nominations, including self-nominations, will be considered through 15 September 2024.
Call Type: Call for Nominations
Nominations are sought for the position of Editor for Academy of Management Annals.