
Time: Being bored can be good for you — if you do it right. Here’s how

Globes: The dynamics of a start-up: Is luck a significant motif on the road to success?

New Academy of Management research shows boredom can boost employee creativity, motivation and productivity

Football Rivalries Offer Managers a Playbook on Taking Risks

How to score big when pitching an idea to the boss

A little-known way to spark creativity

How to beat a little-known bias that plagues problem-solvers

The Sydney Morning Herald: Why daydreaming at work is good for you

The Fate of Professionals in a Deskilled Future

Quartz: Are tattooed job applicants less likely to be hired? Two new studies disagree

Forbes: Business strategy for the social sector: In praise of economist Sharon Oster’s 6 Forces model

Two Little-Known Ways Managers Can Influence Laws

How Personal Bonds Between Entrepreneurs and Investors Can Help Ventures Succeed

Family Firms Offer Surprising Lessons on Innovation

Five Resources Science Entrepreneurs Need to Know About

Thirteen Reasons Why Western Internet Companies Fail in China

How to Spot Entrepreneurs Who Are Likely to Crash and Burn

How Companies Can Plan for Accidental Discoveries

Academy of Management 78th annual meeting to address critical issues facing global management community

Havard Business Review: It’s time to make business school research more relevant