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Subjective time, Corporate foresight, Morning inbox

01 Feb 2021
AOM Insights
Subjective Time: What It Is and Why It Matters

When you think about what you did yesterday or what you are going to do tomorrow, or when you notice how the morning flew by but the afternoon is dragging, you're dealing with subjective time. It's a lot more important than actual clock time, especially at work.

Corporate foresight can enable organizations to innovate and craft strategies so they can survive worst-case scenarios, thrive in the best cases, and possibly even shape the future.

Someone at work not replying to your emails as quickly as they normally would? It may indicate a problem.

Business schools—and organizations—can improve how they develop leaders by addressing how people think about leadership.

Boycotts and protests are not the only consequences of organizations taking stances (or not) on climate change, gun control, and LGBTQ issues. Repercussions also reach the boardroom.

Leaders of U.S. companies tasked with growing their firms in foreign markets performed better when they deferred to employees’ expertise and leveled the social playing field by connecting with members of the teams they manage.

More cautious, rule-following MBA students seem less like leadership material to themselves and to their peers, research shows. And when the students receive negative feedback—which could spur changes and improvements—it makes things worse.


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Performance Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic




Performance Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic


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