AMJ PDW: Online Workshop on Transparency and Rigor in Empirical Research
The goal of this workshop is to showcase and discuss best practices in research transparency and share advice and tips on how to approach these issues for paper submissions to AMJ.
Join us for a virtual Paper Development Workshop to learn about publishing in the Academy of Management Annals. Talk to this year’s Best Articles winners, participate in our Q&A, and learn how to write a proposal that can lead to a paper being published in Annals!
Submissions on all management learning and management education topics, using all types of theory, at all levels of analysis, and using all empirical methods are invited.
AMR Idea Development Workshop on Developing Theories Informed by Latin American and Caribbean Experiences
How does the distinct, rich lifeworld of Latin American and Caribbean people inform our understanding of management and organization and enable us to generate new theories? The goal of this IDW is to provide disciplined guidance and constructive feedback to researchers worldwide from seasoned scholars.
The purpose of this two-part virtual workshop is to learn about AMD and to then create a proposal for a project that follows the AMD mission and focus, which will then be reviewed by the AMD Editor and discussed.
AMR Idea Development Workshop (IDW) on Developing Theories Grounded in African Experience
This paper draft development workshop (PDDW) is aimed at exploring the opportunities and processes for developing theories of management and organization that are indigenous to Africa.
AMR Idea Development Workshop (IDW) on Trust in Today’s Changing Theoretical and Contextual Landscapes
The purpose of the workshop is to help authors develop and refine ideas for submission to a forthcoming Special Topic Forum at the Academy of Management Review.